Ben & Jerry's Factory 

In the heart of Vermont is one of our favorite tours at the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory. You learn how Ben and Jerry got their start when they took a course in ice cream making at the University of Pennsylvania and hear about their later work in improving the world ecology. You then get a chance to see the factory. We recommend you come on a Monday through Friday to see the production plant in full operation, although the tour still happens on the weekends. In our opinion, the sweetest part of the tour is when you get a chance to meet their friendly staff as they dish out a sample of ice cream. Be sure to allow extra time to walk the grounds and visit the ice cream flavor graveyard. Every Halloween, they resurrect some of the classics like White Russian and Wavy Gravy, mine and my wife's favorites from the past. So if you're really graving a blast from the past, plan your visit at Halloween. 


1254 Waterbury Stowe Road Waterbury, VT 802-882-1240