East Point Lighthouse
East Point Lighthouse

Located miles away from developed land south of Millville at the mouth of the Maurice River, this two-story Cape Cod brick dwelling with an octagonal tower on its roof guided commercial fisherman and pleasure boaters since 1849. It was an inspiration for many early lighthouses built on the Pacific Coast. It originally had a sixth order Fresnel lens, that was later replaced by a modern optic. The lighthouse was blacked out during World War II. After the war the Coast Guard decided the lighthouse was no longer necessary and in December 1941 it was decommissioned. With no keepers or custodians to maintain the lighthouse, deterioration quickly set in. Local residents became concerned with the condition of the lighthouse and in February 1971 the Maurice River Historical Society was founded with the goal of restoring the lighthouse. In July 1971, the lighthouse was severely damaged by fire and it continues to be restored by the Maurice River Historical Society and gracious volunteers, all the while remaining active . 

11 Lighthouse Rd
Maurice Twp, NJ