Piney Point Lighthouse
Piney Point Lighthouse

This light was established in 1836 on the Potomac River west of Piney Point in St. Mary's County, MD. It is a 35-foot conical shaped structure made of brick painted white with black trim, known as the Lighthouse of Presidents. It housed a fourth order Fresnel lens and was automated in 1939. The light was deactivated in 1964 and the lens removed. The grounds include a keeper's quarters, oil house, interpretative boardwalk, picnic and pier facilities. The light remains inactive and serves as a museum and park under the Department of Recreation and Parks, Museum Division. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A spotlight of the Museum is the exhibit of the U-1105 Black Panther, the revolutionary German submarine that was invisible to the sonar of the day. 

44720 Lighthouse Road
Piney Point, MD
(301) 994-1471